Thermal Mugs has been created from the ground up by Lotus Digital Ltd. From branding, to placement, to UX Design, all the way through to development and execution. We even handle the production (at a local facility) of the merchandise on sale. We can do anything.
Nailing the brand for Thermal Mugs was simple. We wanted something timeless, typography based, and trendy. Something that would work on both light and dark, and something that we could engrave onto our own merchandise at any size or scale.
For the colour scheme we opted for Lobster, Slate and Beige. Lobster to represent the heat of your drinks and the thermal element of the product, Slate to represent the colour of the product, and Beige as a neutral balancer to accent both the Lobster and Slate.
When we designed and built out the website for Thermal Mugs, the main feature we wanted (aside from it had to look kick-ass!) was to give the customer the ability to add text, or an image to their order for the custom product.
We baked this functionality into a single product SKU, while allowing all of the other products on the site to either have custom input fields (image, picture, checkboxes) or be standard products within WooCommerce.
The website looks stunning on mobile devices, desktop computers and is hosted on our UK Ultrafast WordPress optimised web hosting infrastructure, so it is always rapid on the refresh!
Lotus Digital work extremely closely with a local (It's 10 minutes up the road!) manufacturing facility who use laser engraving technology to create our custom thermal mugs. The facility also handles the packaging and shipping, while we handle the QA.
The product is a 20oz thermal walled drinks tumbler with a snap shut lid on a rubber seal. The Thermal Mugs keep your drink hot and insulated for approximately 8 hours.
The laser engraving reveals the silver inner and doesn't affect the level of insulation provided by the product in the slightest.
However big or small, basic or complex your project is, we want to talk with you. We'll gather your requirements and tailor our services to your needs and budget.